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Posts by Don Green

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The Church

The longer I’m in ministry, the more I think the church (broadly speaking) has not taken this as seriously as it ought.....

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Remember Your Position in Christ

My Christian friend, in the midst of all that's happening (it's a lot and it's all complex), step back and remember a few simple things about your position in Christ....

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Courageous Men

I’m thrilled by the social media posts of the public support given to John MacArthur and Grace Community Church today....

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Don't Be Surprised

A pastor can’t say everything that needs to be said in a single message, let alone a social media post....

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Wash Your Hands

We have heard so much about maintaining physical health during these times. Fair enough--I'll wash my hands and maintain social distancing....

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I'm Not a Doctor

I don’t feel the need to preach an entire message about this, but I do feel a responsibility to say a few words about the general Christian response to the public health crisis we are facing....

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The best way to get most youth more involved in and serious about their faith communities...

The best way to get most youth more involved in and serious about their faith communities is to get their *parents* more involved in and serious about their faith communities....

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If only we had a book from God that cautioned people about speaking too quickly...

If only we had a book from God that cautioned people about speaking too quickly....

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From Doctrine to Duty: Living Sacrifices

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. (Romans 12:1)...

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From Doctrine to Duty

The word “therefore” in the Bible often indicates movement from the proclamation of doctrinal truth to the believer’s responsibility to live in light of that truth. The idea is: based on the truth just stated, here is how the Christian must respond......

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Forbidden Desires

Someone wrote me recently and asked this question. “Should a believer say it’s okay to be attracted to the same gender, or be gay, just as long as you don't lust or have sex with the same gender?” Here are some biblical thoughts in response......

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Can You Have Assurance of Eternal Life?

Many who believe on the name of Jesus are not sure that they have eternal life; they only hope so. Occasionally they have assurance, but the joy is not abiding....

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Discernment and the Cultist at the Door

We’re finishing a series on discernment. Today we come to the question, “How should I respond to the cultists who knock on my door?” My counsel is to refuse them entry into your home. Here’s why....

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The Tests for Discernment

The Bible gives us several tests for discerning true and false teachers....

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Commentary on The Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage?

Sure thing. First, an inerrant analysis; then a personal promise. 1. The inerrant analysis (and it isn't pretty): 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed f...

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Coming to Grips with Discernment

We live in the midst of competing claims to spiritual authority. New philosophies of ministries, charismatic phenomena, and institutions like the Mormons and Catholic Church confuse people with conflicting voices......

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