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I'm Not a Doctor

I don’t feel the need to preach an entire message about this, but I do feel a responsibility to say a few words about the general Christian response to the public health crisis we are facing....

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A while back I posted about my intentions to preach a series of messages on transgenderism. Quite a few people expressed interest in it, so here's an update....

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The Bible and Homosexuality

Since I first started teaching on the Bible and homosexuality several years ago, I have chafed at the campaign of deliberate misinformation that props up the entire social narrative....

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Openly-Homosexual Presidential Candidate

When an aspiring, “married” and openly-homosexual presidential candidate (Pete Buttigieg) tries to isolate the sitting vice-president by saying, “It's time for us to move on toward a more inclusive and more humane vision of faith than what this vice president represents,” he has not-so-subtly declared war on biblical Christians everywhere....

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Spiritual Leadership

I have many friends who are pastors or otherwise in spiritual leadership. This is primarily for them, although the rest of you are welcome to listen in......

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The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....

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MTD and True Prayer

The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....

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Saints in Christ Jesus

The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....

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What Is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism?

The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....

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Leadership: For the Love of Christ and Men (Selected Scriptures) Don Green

The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....

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