A while back I posted about my intentions to preach a series of messages on transgenderism. Quite a few people expressed interest in it, so here's an update.
Without a doubt, the subject is about more than individuals who feel conflict over their personal identity and the resultant medical and political repercussions. That is all secondary to the supernatural conflict of worldviews about truth and human existence between Scripture and transgender ideology.
The start of my series is still at least two months away. I'm entering the next phase of my preparation after doing an initial outline of six messages so far.
I trust the Lord will give me strength to preach it all in due time, and appreciate the support of those who pray for me and the insight of those who have written on these matters before me.
"The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses" (2 Corinthians 10:4).
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