The Reasons for Christ's Humanity
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Keep ReadingWelcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit. ...
These Bible reading plans from TCC seek to help you develop good Bible reading habits. ...
The Truth Pulpit offers free sermon transcripts by weekly mail to prisoners. If you have a friend or loved one who is in prison that would benefit from these resources we would be glad to add them to the mailing list. Just provide the information on the form below. This provides a way for them to benefit regularly from the teaching of God's Word as you’ve enjoyed it on The Truth Pulpit and other outlets....
The longer I’m in ministry, the more I think the church (broadly speaking) has not taken this as seriously as it ought.....
My Christian friend, in the midst of all that's happening (it's a lot and it's all complex), step back and remember a few simple things about your position in Christ....
I’m thrilled by the social media posts of the public support given to John MacArthur and Grace Community Church today....
Just as a high fever is a symptom of physical disease, anxiety is a symptom of spiritual disease. This eminently practical series will help both Christians and non-Christians understand the roots of their anxiety and point them to the cure....
A pastor can’t say everything that needs to be said in a single message, let alone a social media post....
The Bible tells us to expect difficult trials as part of the Christian life. You know that you should trust God when hard times come, but exactly how do you trust God when life seems to fall apart at the seams? This life-changing study from the book of Habakkuk will teach you how to move from trials to spiritual triumph...
We have heard so much about maintaining physical health during these times. Fair enough--I'll wash my hands and maintain social distancing....
I don’t feel the need to preach an entire message about this, but I do feel a responsibility to say a few words about the general Christian response to the public health crisis we are facing....
A while back I posted about my intentions to preach a series of messages on transgenderism. Quite a few people expressed interest in it, so here's an update....
Since I first started teaching on the Bible and homosexuality several years ago, I have chafed at the campaign of deliberate misinformation that props up the entire social narrative....
When an aspiring, “married” and openly-homosexual presidential candidate (Pete Buttigieg) tries to isolate the sitting vice-president by saying, “It's time for us to move on toward a more inclusive and more humane vision of faith than what this vice president represents,” he has not-so-subtly declared war on biblical Christians everywhere....
I have many friends who are pastors or otherwise in spiritual leadership. This is primarily for them, although the rest of you are welcome to listen in......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The best way to get most youth more involved in and serious about their faith communities is to get their *parents* more involved in and serious about their faith communities....
If only we had a book from God that cautioned people about speaking too quickly....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit.......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
You'll not only want to request this free CD series you'll want to share it with family and friends....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
You'll not only want to request this free CD you'll want to share it with family and friends....
Listen to today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
You'll not only want to request this free CD you'll want to share it with family and friends....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
You'll not only want to request this free CD you'll want to share it with family and friends....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Listen to Today's Radio Broadcast from The Truth Pulpit......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Guest Pastor Steven Kreloff is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The Truth Pulpit features the dynamic Bible teaching of Don Green, founding pastor of Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. ...
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
We love children and affirm salvation is available to every child who comes to Christ. The Lord is gracious to children and said, “The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:13-15). Christ saves many at a young age. We rejoice in that manifestation of His mercy. We preach the gospel to children and encourage their every expression of faith......
Truth Community practices believer’s baptism. All Christians should be baptized after they repent of their sins and believe in Christ for salvation. Scripture teaches that Christ commanded baptism for His repentant disciples (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:38). We baptize in response to His command, as did the early church (Acts 2:41; 8:36-38)......
I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. (John 15:1)...
I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:6)...
I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies. (John 11:25)...
In John 10:9, Jesus paints a picture of Himself as the door, the only way to salvation. He quickly expands His metaphor and says that He is the “good shepherd” who lays down His life for the sheep. In this Jesus describes how he obtains salvation for His people......
I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life. (John 8:12)...
We finish our consideration of a faithful disciple from the life of Tychicus....
God rewards our faithfulness, even it is overlooked on earth....
Are you born again? This is life’s most important question. Jesus Christ said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). ...
“Every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him” (I John 2:29)....
I cannot tell how much I owe to the solemn words of my good mother. It was the custom, on Sunday evenings, while we were yet little children, for her to stay at home with us, and then we sat round the table, and read verse by verse, and she explained the Scripture to us......
The sovereignty of God is crucial part to your unshakeable joy. That God has ordained everything that comes to pass, and that He is working all things together according to His perfect will and for the good of His own children (Romans 8:28) offers sure comfort to the believer in every circumstance....
Paul tells the Ephesian Christians to “be imitators of God . . . and to walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us...” (Ephesians 5:1-2)....
There is a constant quest in professing Christianity for “more.” More experiences, more revelation, more relevance, more......
Colossians 3:11 declares, “Christ is all.” The Christian who seeks to find solace beyond the truth found in Christ alone embarks on a futile quest. Christ is all. Indeed, He must be, lest our faith be in vain....
Psychology is popular today, and often the first response to trial in a person’s life is to seek answers in man-made philosophies......
We delight when life brings ease, comfort, and good news. We thank God for restful times of joy....
Christians are commanded to rejoice, and not just occasionally or when circumstances are favorable. Christians are to rejoice always (Philippians 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:16)....
On the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus prayed to the Father that He would sanctify His followers in the truth, for “Thy Word is truth” (John 17:17)...
Every Christian is a new creation in Christ. Paul reminds the Corinthians that, though they had once lived in exceeding immorality, they were no longer enslaved to these sins. God had granted them forgiveness and sanctification through repentance and faith in Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). ...
Our Lord was assuredly dead: the Roman guards at the cross took care that no condemned person escaped the death penalty; in our Lord’s case his heart was pierced with the spear to make sure that no life remained in him......
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. (Romans 12:1)...
The word “therefore” in the Bible often indicates movement from the proclamation of doctrinal truth to the believer’s responsibility to live in light of that truth. The idea is: based on the truth just stated, here is how the Christian must respond......
The latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Keep ReadingThe latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Keep ReadingThe latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Keep ReadingThe latest sermon by Pastor Don Green is now available....
Keep Reading