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Archives for October 2015

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Discernment and the Cultist at the Door

We’re finishing a series on discernment. Today we come to the question, “How should I respond to the cultists who knock on my door?” My counsel is to refuse them entry into your home. Here’s why....

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The Tests for Discernment

The Bible gives us several tests for discerning true and false teachers....

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Our Need for Discernment

Discernment is important because not everyone who claims to speak for God actually does. Jesus said they were wolves in sheep’s clothing. They appear harmless, but actually threaten your soul......

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Commentary on The Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage?

Sure thing. First, an inerrant analysis; then a personal promise. 1. The inerrant analysis (and it isn't pretty): 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed f...

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Coming to Grips with Discernment

We live in the midst of competing claims to spiritual authority. New philosophies of ministries, charismatic phenomena, and institutions like the Mormons and Catholic Church confuse people with conflicting voices......

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